Impressions  One and Only Maldives

The one & only Reethi Rah is easily one of the most beautiful and luxurious hotels that I ever been to. Here in these dreamy surroundings “Fratuschi” was born. What makes the hotel so special is how private and secluded everything is.  When staying at the Reethi Rah, you can be assured that their number one priorities are seclusion and privacy, both the villas that you will be staying at and the villas at the beach are far enough away from each other to ensure ultimate seclusion. Very rarely did we meet other guests while on our walks on the beach – undisturbed togetherness, what a luxury!

One & Only Moments

There were a lot of special moments I will never forget: Watching a movie while under starlight with beanbags on the beach. Next we had a concert of Frank Sinatra which was followed by watching Casino Royal, this was combined with fresh popcorn and pizza.  What a perfect and romantic way to experience the dramatic love story between James and Vesper.

Malediven one and onlyOO RheetiRah WatervillaOne and Only RheetiRahOneandOnly MAledivenMalediven One and OnlyOne & Only MaledivenEdge Pool One and OnlyOne & Only MaldivesStrand MaledivenBeach Villa One and OnlyOne & Only Maledieven StrandRheeti Restaurant One and Only


Our Sunset Cruise was a dream; we were well catered to with champagne and fruits as we watched the sunset. This was especially beautiful while floating through the Indian Ocean.

One and Only SchiffSonnenuntergang MaledivenSunset One and OnlyMalediven Sechs Sterne Resort

The Fanditha restaurant

This was easily my favorite restaurant on the island! Imagine having dinner with your feet in the sand, while your eating by a romantic candle light & antique vases; both you and your partner are surrounded by the comfort of pillows and distant music in the background. We spent many endless, dreamy evenings here.

Fanditha-One-and-OnlyOO Resort FandithaWasservilla One and Only

Resort-Website: One&Only Reethi Rah.

More Impressions:

Heliskiing in Alaska 

Great Barrier Reef & Whitehaven Beach 

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