Impressions Heliskiing in Alaska

This trip was in January and their home base was at the Orca Adventure Lodge in Cordova, which is a small village in the southeast of Alaska, they were completely surrounded by woods and glaciers while staying here.

Cordova lies at the Orca Inlet close to the Prince William Bay of the Gulf of Alaska and inhabits 2500 people. He took so many wonderful pictures while at the Wrangell-St. Elias-National Park in the glacial Chugach Mountains. And yes, did you know that you get dropped of by a helicopter and then drive down the unbelievably steep side of the hill in order to get there? Isn’t that crazy?

Only the most experienced skier should attempt this adventure, as it is certainly not very safe and not for the faint of heart, while on this tour, there were a lot of accidents.

I wish you god speed and a safe descent!

Ausblick auf die schneebedeckten Berge in Alaska.

Strasse in Alaska

Wasserflugzeug AlaskaCordova Alaska

Hafen Cordova Prince William Sound

Der Ausgangspunkt zum Heliskiing Orca Lodge

Helikopter bringt die Skiifahrer zum Heliskiing in die Berge

Gebirge in Alaska

Wrangell-St.Elias-National Park

Chugach Mountains

Heliskiing in Alaska


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